Time to get serious about voice search optimization

How to Create an Effective SEO Strategy for Your Business Website

Last week I talked about what voice search technology means for your business. It is such an important topic that I decided to write a second part related to SEO this week.

From the Google Assistant to Siri, people are talking instead of typing to search online more than ever.

According to Location World, more than 40 percent of adults used spoken search on a daily basis in 2016. ComScore estimates that more than 50 percent of searches will be done by voice by 2020.

It makes sense: it is much easier to ask a question than to write it. And it allows you to multitask while driving, cooking or walking.

This is not a fad, or something you should ignore. If you want to get ahead and stay ahead of the competition, now is the time to do it.

This is what you should focus on:

It's about location, location, location

In last week's blog, I covered the importance of using local keywords to attract visitors and customers. Using these locally targeted keywords is a big part of any SEO strategy for your website.

Voice-related mobile searches are three times more likely to be done locally. People are searching for what's close right now, so the more specific you can be with your keywords and copy, the more likely they are to find it.

Use your location with keywords as often as you can, and don't forget to keep your Google My Business page and Yelp page up to date with your current information; These results are also displayed, not just your web content.

Be more natural

What someone types in a search bar will be different from a spoken query. For example, if I want to find a hotel near Toronto airport, I would type something like "hotels near Toronto airport" in the search bar.

However, if I'm talking about my search, it would be more like "what hotels are near the Toronto airport?"

Google is looking for natural language, so you'll have to think about the kinds of questions people might ask that include your target keywords.

Incorporate conversational and long-tail keyword phrases into your content as much as possible.optimalisatie voor gesproken zoekopdrachten

Some great ways to create natural content include:

• About and FAQ pages

• Blogs and articles

• Answer questions in the Questions and Answers section of Google My Business

• Provide as much information as possible to Google My Business and Yelp, including business hours, products or services offered, parking, delivery or shipping options, and more.

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