Musicians and performance anxiety

Have you ever faced your moment to shine and been overwhelmed by intense hesitation or worry about an upcoming performance? As the time to address your audience nears, do you suffer from sweaty palms? Do you have a lump in your throat? Do you experience tremors, tension, stuttering, an upset stomach, or loss of concentration? All of these symptoms are a sign that you may suffer from performance anxiety, which is a common problem that requires a bit of mental reconfiguration to get you on the right track.

Anxiety about musical performance develops from a musician's thoughts, feelings, and habits. The level of anxiety one has will affect a musician's desire to play, as well as their ability. To deliver a high-quality performance, a musician must overcome the mental obstacles that create a barrier between wanting to perform and completing the act. When you feel anxious, the pressure begins to build and makes it impossible to pick up an instrument or sing a song.

Main types of performance anxiety

There are three main types of performance anxiety that musicians encounter. The first occurs even before the filing date is mentioned. Fear of rejection or doubts about your abilities can get in the way of a musician's attempt to organize a show of your talent. Anxiety sometimes increases to the point where a musician never really feels ready to perform in front of others.

The second type of anxiety occurs during an actual performance. Clinging to fear of what the public will think of them, a musician's body could shake. Sweat may form on the forehead, nose, neck, or hands. These bodily reactions can also affect the way an instrument is played. Voices become tense or blocked, emitting cracked, flat or shaky notes. A musician's anxiety can be so high that he can actually self-sabotage his performance without even knowing it.

Anxious musicians are often quite distracted by the slightest movement or noise during a performance. They may take this opportunity to blame your inability to complete your series due to external interruptions. This is just an excuse. Within themselves, they do not feel completely adequate to continue their performance. Musicians with performance anxiety often exhibit poor concentration as well as loss of concentration.

After a performance, the anxiety craze continues, which is seen through harsh and relentless criticism of her performance. The musician will choose every aspect of their set and despite encouragement and positive feedback, they will continue to minimize and dismantle their skill.

Tips for managing performance anxiety

When it comes to overcoming the hump of performance anxiety, there are numerous ways to combat the fears and doubts that come with presenting. Here are five aspects of performance that a musician suffering from anxiety should consider:

1) Self-assessment

When you know the ins and outs of yourself as an individual, as well as as a musician, you gradually move towards overcoming performance anxiety. Knowing what turns you on both inside and outside of music circles will help you better deal with the problems you face before, during, and after a performance. A musician must analyze her performance goals, personal capabilities, and limitations.

Musicians should also know that everyone has to start somewhere with infinite room for improvement. It is very important that a musician acts to the best of his ability, as well as that he learns from the mistakes and criticisms of his peers.

2) Exhibition: Baby steps

Musicians should take the opportunity to gradually expose themselves to different levels of performance. One moment, a full-length mirror becomes a suitable audience, while the next it could be a crowd of five friends. Trying out low, medium, and high levels of stressful performance situations will help Deon Lundy Music slowly overcome the problems they face when it comes to performing. Additional suggestions include practice performances in an empty theater, dress rehearsals with friends, and recordings for later viewing with family and friends.

3) Preparation

In everything we do, preparation is an important component of our success. A good performance is one that has been thought through, thoroughly visualized, and played over and over again in the mind. Once the mental preparation is complete, the physical part of the process involves enough practice and specific rehearsals for the particular place in which you can perform.

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