The future of free online learning

E-learning has been around since 1999, when the phrase was coined at a seminar in Los Angeles. Since then, the online learning industry has flourished, with an influx of online courses, video tutorials, and online titles. Although this industry is thriving, it is still in its infancy with room for innovation and new ways to connect people through community education.

There are currently a handful of companies that facilitate this constantly growing industry and most offer courses where participants download and complete course material provided by a tutor. Others provide tutorial videos with limited tutor access, and therefore responses are usually answered in a day or two. A small majority offer highly interactive lessons with a real person in real time. In saying that, there are many technologies that enable real-time teaching, with interactive capabilities like screen sharing, screen control, watching and listening to YouTube videos together, and listening to audio directly from others' computers.

Those in regions lacking resources for education are often first on the list of users of online education. Particularly in the west we are more used to free education at our doorstep and this is simply not the case in many countries, especially third world countries. Our available education pampers us and more often we forget how much education we have on offer. But in third world countries, for example, access to education is scarce or there is a simple ignorance of where to look for such information. This deficiency limits us as a society and therefore channels students toward a predetermined career. Now more than ever we have had attention disorders in all of our schools, and many students cite their simple disinterest.

Online education leaves room for choice so that a student can pay 100% attention to their passion. By adding variety to teaching styles with the use of interactive tools, students can participate consistently, without distraction. education from an active member in the industry provides real practical advice to be used in a real situation.

Most of those who teach online have a standard degree, are able to guide the national curriculum, and many offer free introductory lessons, so you can jump and skip until you find the right tutor for you. The convenience of online learning has to be one of the first on the list, obviously no travel costs are incurred and you learn at your own time, at your own pace with real-time answers, so if you have a question, just ask and it will be answered.

An obvious obstacle with online learning is not having the tutor physically there, but the key is in the name, online learning is not a substitute for conventional education, but it is definitely something to consider as extracurricular.

As with most technology, online learning is prone to technical gremlins, and therefore it is best to have the right equipment.

There is much you can do to improve the quality of audio and video. By connecting a quality microphone and webcam, you can significantly improve the quality.

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