Document delivery companies provide an important service to local businesses in Portland, Or. These are the people who deliver important copies of important and copyrighted documents to other homes and businesses. Some of these documents are in PDF formats, some are letters, electronic documents, software codes, and hard copies / backups.
Many of the people who use these professional document delivery services are people who work in specialized industries and want to make sure that their items are delivered to a specific person in a timely and safe manner.
This is a great example:
You own a medium-sized business looking to sell your business to another, larger competitor in the near future. Half the deal is complete, but they want to see their P&L (profit and loss) along with some of their top clients that they have contracts with. This is very confidential information and you definitely don't want it to fall into the wrong hands. Doing so could be disastrous. It has already had the company display these items to sign a "non-competition" agreement in the event the agreement fails and both become competitors again. You don't want to ship it by standard mail, UPS, or Fed X. It would take 1-2 days to get there, and both companies are in the same area. Therefore, hire a local delivery service to bring these very important materials to the company.
These delivery services operate with a very high moral code and are generally fully committed to obtaining any package of documents from point A to point B with the least amount of disruption. Many companies use just ONE company for all their Document delivery needs and contract with them (six months to one year).
This is a very important job and any company that chooses to fulfill this need for you must be highly reliable, trustworthy and employ an efficient workforce.